Saturday, February 9, 2008

Mills Canyon Cleanup![;

Today I went to Mills Canyon for some cleanup duty with my friend, KaYan, to get some extra credit in our biology class. It was a fun experience and it was cool to learn about the plants that would affect nature. When I woke up today at 9am it was a total disaster because when we were going we got lost using the map. We thought it would be a forest of some sort, but it turned out to be a hiking road where a lot of plants grew. We got there a bit late, but it was better late than never! At Mills Canyon we met Bobby Benson, Ross Webber, other volunteers from BHS. We started working right away clipping poison ivys and brooms. Bobby told us it is best to pull out brooms while their still young. We used clippers when we can't pull poison ivy branches any further. We continued doing this for about 2 hours. At around 12:30 we finished and ended up with 3 huge bags of weed and other plants. We worked together to pull the bags up a hill. It was tiring but in the end they rewarded us with donuts and water! It was fun volunteering, they even emailed us just to say thank you!(:

1 comment:

tttracXD said...

si si
yes of course ;]