Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cladophora rupestris, green seaweed!


Domain- Eukarya

Kingdom- Protista

Phylum- Chlorophycota

Class- Cladophorophyceae

Order- Cladophorales

Family- Cladophoracease

Genus- Cladophora

Species- rupestris

The Cladophora rupestris, also known as Green Seaweed, grows on rock pools, on the surface of rocks, hanging in 'ropes' in crevices or forming undergrowth to macroalgae at all levels on the shore. Cladophora rupestris means rocky or rock-dwelling in latin. People usually serve Cladophora rupestris in salads or in soups. Sea slugs usually feed on Cladophora rupestris. Cladophora can grow up to 15-20 cm in height. It is usually a bluish or dark green color. It has a coarse texture, and it feels somewhat like a rope.

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