Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Roy G Biv Lab (A3)

yay! today in biology we had to do a lab using the micropipet. i thought it would be extremely hard to use, but it ended up pretty easy! surprised me a bit. when we did the lab mr.olson said to be really careful about using it and not to hold it vertically. i was really careful about doing that. when we got all the solutions ready we used the centrifuge to mix and pool all the reagents into a droplet in the bottom of each tube. after that we measured if they were accurate or not. this was getting pretty fun XD. after that we used the micropipet to suck up the fluid and drop it onto the coffee filter paper. the colors turned out beautifully and they came in colors of the rainbow.(: we then had a comparison between groups of 2. mr.olson said there would be a prize for the group who did the best. i was hoping our group would win. when he went around the classroom looking at everyone's he told some groups to sit down. kayan and i were the only one standing up. he then announced to the whole class that the two groups ashley and i, and kayan and victor won this comparison. i was so happy :] i decided to post it. haha. we won a COOKIE! :3

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