Monday, October 29, 2007

give me five! :]


in today's society we eat alot of food and we don't notice what we are actually doing to our bodies when we eat to much or eat to little. having the rite amount of food in your stomach is good because it can be produced into energy and not fat. Milk is a great example of something to drink daily. milk helps you build fiber in your bones and it's a great way to start off your day by drinking some DELICIOUS milk! comfort foods are food that comforts you when you might be down, or bored. when you feel sad or bored you might eat something to cheer you up, but is that food heatlhy? Over the years calories have changed in food. they make the sizes of food bigger with more calories. a average american spends more time watching tv then any other things except sleeping. food advertisement are seen mostly on tv. 60% americans are overweight. Also when eating breakfast you just gotta slow down! it can let you enjoy your breakfast meals. you should focus on what your eating. allow 20 minutes to eat. chew when your eating. When eating too much you should exercise. everyone is exercising too little. everyone should exercise atleast 1 hour and 30 minutes a day. make the right choices and eat FRUITS, VEGGIES, AND WHOLE GRAINS. eat less of sugars and fats. (:


i think this is totally true! people aren't exercising enough and some aren't even eating the right types are food. eating right will help you physically and mentally. eating right is a serious thing. when your eating too much you can get overweight and get diabetes! also staying away from the tv screen is another helpful thing, it might be hard, but its good for you! exercise more and you'll be in tip top shape! X3

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Roy G Biv Lab (A3)

yay! today in biology we had to do a lab using the micropipet. i thought it would be extremely hard to use, but it ended up pretty easy! surprised me a bit. when we did the lab mr.olson said to be really careful about using it and not to hold it vertically. i was really careful about doing that. when we got all the solutions ready we used the centrifuge to mix and pool all the reagents into a droplet in the bottom of each tube. after that we measured if they were accurate or not. this was getting pretty fun XD. after that we used the micropipet to suck up the fluid and drop it onto the coffee filter paper. the colors turned out beautifully and they came in colors of the rainbow.(: we then had a comparison between groups of 2. mr.olson said there would be a prize for the group who did the best. i was hoping our group would win. when he went around the classroom looking at everyone's he told some groups to sit down. kayan and i were the only one standing up. he then announced to the whole class that the two groups ashley and i, and kayan and victor won this comparison. i was so happy :] i decided to post it. haha. we won a COOKIE! :3

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Grimpoteuthis aka Dumbo Octopus(:

Dumbo Octopus got its name from its ears because it looked like Dumbo the Elephant's ears. Dumbo Octopus also known as the Grimpoteuthis is a octopus found in the bottom of the ocean floor at the depths of 300-400 meters. Dumbo Octopus eat snails, worms, or other food by swimming up off the bottom and just hover a bit above the seafloor. They swim by using their fins, pulsing their webbed arms, pushing water through their funnel for jet propulsion, or doing all three at once. These octopuses can grow up to be about 20centimeters, they are soft bodied or semi-gelatinous. They have a pair of fin under their mantle and webbing between their arms.